August 15, 2024, 3:00 pm

DiMSUR, Kenya

Eldoret, 15 August 2024 – On 15 August 2024, DiMSUR was one of the official guests of His Excellency the Kenyan President Dr. William Samoie Ruto and the Governor of Uasin Gishu County, Dr. Jonathan Bii Chelilim, to participate in the ceremony of elevation to the category of City, to the former municipality of Eldoret, the City of Champions.

In addition to the honor and prestige of having participated in this prestigious ceremony, DiMSUR, which was represented by its Executive Director, the Mozambican Diplomat and Architect, Nuno Ibra H. Remane, had the opportunity to debate with the team that will manage the New City of Eldoret, prominent technical partnerships for solving Urban Resilience, Sustainability and Disaster Risk Reduction problems, as well as the intermediation of solutions that aim to develop the city, from a more resilient and sustainable urban perspective.

On this same date, after the official ceremony, the team that met with DiMSUR was made up of the highest signatories from the City, representing the Uasin Gishu County Government, such as the Chairman of the Eldoret City Board, Mr. Julius Kitur and Eldoret City Manager, Mr. Tito Koiyet, who were accompanied by their directors, Mrs. Beatrice Menjo from the Housing department, Mr. Daniel Koech from the Urban Development department and Mrs. Faith Seroney from the Branding and Public Relations department.

The meeting found points of agreement between the institutions and immediately set out to define work goals that will allow DiMSUR to share its experiences, technical capabilities and partnerships with the Uasin Gishu County Government. This joint process should be able to develop a concrete strategy for prioritizing actions and projects to be carried out, to resolve the current and future concerns of the New City, which is the 5th from Kenya.

This relationship that has just begun, took place at a time when the New City of Eldoret intends to increase the implementation of new homes for its inhabitants, expand its agricultural production capacity, improve its product flow capabilities through the implementation of a large railway line and position itself resiliently in the face of impacts arising from climate events. These were some of the premises raised by the presidential speech, addressed at the inauguration ceremony.

In its set of contacts and partnerships, DiMSUR can provide a range of diverse solutions that can be seen as a pool of advantages to be used by the County Government of Uasin Gishu, positioning the city of Eldoret, strategically, as a national reference, in some areas responsible to contribute to the country’s development, summing up to the sports achievements, which is currently seen as one of the city references, worldwide.

The arrival of His Excellency The President of Kenya, Dr. William Samoeie Ruto.

Eldoret, as previously mentioned, is the 5th city from Kenya, with approximately 475,715 people (census 2019), embraced by a subtropical highland climate, lying over almost 2000 meters above sea level. Situated on the heart of the Rift Valley, Eldoret can be accessed by road (almost 312 km north-west from Nairobi) and it has an international airport, 16 km outside the city center.  

It bears the highest responsibility and in response to this flattering invitation, DiMSUR, within its technical and diplomatic capabilities, will provide its most comprehensive technical capability and contacts, for the strategic development of the new city of Uasin Gishu county: Eldoret City, “The Home of Kenyan Champions”.


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