Republic of Madagascar
Republic of Malawi
Republic of Mozambique
Union of Comoros

The founding members are the Governments of Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique and the Union of Comoros. DiMSUR’s headquarter is located in Maputo, Mozambique, and it has a presence in the other member countries as well.

DiMSUR’s delivers a range of services in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), climate change adaptation and urban resilience including :

  • Capacity building activities;
  • Provision of qualified technical assistance;
  • Raise of awareness & advocacy;
  • Compilation, preparation, sharing and dissemination tools,
    best practices, plans and strategies
  • Exchange of experiences among countries;
Photo: DiMSUR’s founding team

Each organ has a fundamental role to play along the cycle of decision making, planning and implementation of activities, to monitoring and evaluation of results. Organs composing DiMSUR are as follows:  

  • The Conference of Ministers, formed by Ministers of the member states*;
  • The Executive Board, composed of national directors from each member state*, a representative from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) , a representative from UN-Habitat as main facilitator of DiMSUR, and representatives from civil society and academia.
  • The Consultative Group, under establishment. Will consist of urban resilience stakeholders from member states and Southern Africa as well as internationally experts* and representatives* of international organizations, bilateral and multilateral donors, NGOs and others.
  • DiMSUR’s Secretariat consists of the Executive Director of DiMSUR and one national focal point per member state. Currently, the secretariat ad interim is represented by UN-Habitat.
* All the representatives indicated are those specifically related to Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Urban Resilience units. Some of out governance institutions are:
National Institute of Disaster Management (Madagascar)
National Institute of Disaster Management (Mozambique)
North-West University
(South Africa)
Oxfam International
University of Antananarivo

DiMSUR promotes partnerships among stakeholders, cities, towns, centres, institutions and organizations within and across countries. It involves local authorities, municipal associations, government and academic institutions, professional groups, technical centers and think tanks at different levels to promote city-to-city and national-to-local exchanges and cooperation. DiMSUR organizes national and regional events to encourage the exchange of good practices, skills and knowledge. A brief list of our partners is:


ACP; African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States
ECHO; EU Humanitarian Aid & Civil Protection.
Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery
The World Bank
Southern Africa Society for Disaster Reduction
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
UEM (Mozambique)

The United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat)  facilitated the creation of DiMSUR in cooperation with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and is acting as the secretariat ad-interim of DiMSUR since the launch in 2013. 

The United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-Habitat)  facilitated the creation of DiMSUR in cooperation with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) and is acting as the secretariat ad-interim of DiMSUR since the launch in 2013. 

Headquarter in Maputo and Sub-Units in Member States

University Eduardo Mondlane Campus (UEM)
Julius Nyerere Avenue, #3453
Sciences Faculty – Physics Department, 2nd Floor
Maputo – Mozambique

Tel: +258 (84) 0531199
secretariat@dimsur.org |www.dimsur.org

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